Originally Posted by pdx rick
This Greger ^^^ needs to come visit Reader Rant more often! smile
There is only one Greger. He doesn't approve of calls to violence or senseless hatred against those who vote against you in a democracy.

It appears somewhat anti-democratic.

That aura of trailer-park snootiness and righteous indignation lingers over both parties.

The answers usually aren't somewhere in between, but somewhere beyond where either party is willing or able to go...without major reform...which isn't gonna happen anytime soon.

It's going to take a decade or more to untangle ourselves from the mess we've gotten ourselves into. I refuse to spend the next ten years getting triggered by every headline and "getting prepared" for the upcoming "civil war".

It's not gonna happen. It can't happen here. I'm telling you, my dear, that it can't happen here.

I've been checking it out...

Poor old Zappa's dead and gone...

Good coffee, good weed, and time on my hands...