I’m against war, empire and exploitation. For egalitarianism, equal justice, fraternity, etc.

The Dems are much more into the three things listed that I’m against. Much more than the GOP that seems to be reorienting themselves around a more nativist position.

I have no beef with a Chinese person and good for them raising their standard of living and quality of life. A government that has delivered that. They made the mistake that Russia made in not laying down and letting the US financial interests (major donors to the Dem party, btw) carpet bag their countries resources and economies. This is upsetting to the ruling classes of this country that don’t truck with disobedience from their unipolar world view. Like their anger with Cuba, they’re p!ssed they can’t turn the world into their whore house and be the top pimp and customer.

At this point, the Democratic Party justifies itself to its donors as a rearguard action against any leftist policies, IMO. Witness Pelosi’s intervening in Texas primary between right wing Cuellar (sp?) and pro choice, medicare for all, etc Cisneros. Lavish money was showered on Cuellar by Dtrip, running ads against Cisneros in the closing weeks. The full intervention worked but only by 300 some votes. A leftist may as well run against the Republican Party as they do the Democrats in the primary. All the liberals bereavement over repealing Roe. They vote for a party that largely brought that about. Liberals refuse to see the copper stripping of their political party and believe the propaganda that’s laid on to distract.

But I’m straying from our current self made international relations crises were provoking in Asia. C’mon China! Stop materially improving the lives of your people and do communism the way we think it should be done or we’ll fight you to the last Taiwanese

Last edited by chunkstyle; 08/11/22 05:08 PM.