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This is hilarious: Every Republican congressman and other spokesmen demanded Merrick Garland release the warrant request and the search warrant, except for one. And that one was Donald Trump. Then once they had all made their demands public, Garland made it clear that Trump had a copy of the warrant request, the search warrant, and even an inventory of everything seized in the search. And Donald has until 3 PM EST Friday to object to disclosure of both.
Obviously, Trump does not want those made public, presumably because they scream "guilty". All those Republicans are probably doing backflips right now so they can change their scripts to support Trump's "privacy".
I think he's screwed either way, and his supporters all look like idiots. This is beginning to look more like Leavenworth and less like Mir-A-Lago house arrest. Might be time to sneak onto that private plane headed to Argentina, but I assume his Secret Service detail would prevent that.
The latest as probably everyone knows is it is now reported he had signals intel i.e. the type which would shed light on how US intel gets the private intel of foreign leaders. Also the WH was very sloppy with all types of classified docs, allowing people without access to have full access. I guess secrets are only good if you can sell them to interested parties for huge sums of money. Not saying that is what he was doing, just a possibility but am saying he was very sloppy in the way he administered the executive branch. There is good reporting that is the way he operated his organization, which amazes me how he made any money.
He of course claims all of it was planted. I think that works for his supporters and the complicit elected Republicans.
ignorance is the enemy without equality there is no liberty America can survive bad policy, but not destruction of our Democratic institutions
Trump is flailing about with his excuses: Neal Katyal, former Solicitor General of the US, pointed out a problem with those excuses. Trump is both claiming the FBI planted the documents, and that he declassified all the Top Secret Compartmentalized documents when he took them to his residence to study for the next day. But how could both be true? This is like a hack lawyer who claims his client was not at the scene of the crime AND the prosecution's version of the crime is incorrect. AKA flinging mud at the wall and hoping some will stick.
He also pointed out that the President can't just declassify a document for himself. It gets declassified for everybody, and has to be marked as declassified. Those documents the FBI seized were NOT marked as declassified! The copies of them in the secure storage sites are not marked as declassified either.
Then there is the ridiculous notion that Donald Trump ever "studied" anything at all. He didn't even read or listen to his daily briefings.
Trump is flailing about with his excuses: Neal Katyal, former Solicitor General of the US, pointed out a problem with those excuses. Trump is both claiming the FBI planted the documents, and that he declassified all the Top Secret Compartmentalized documents when he took them to his residence to study for the next day. But how could both be true? This is like a hack lawyer who claims his client was not at the scene of the crime AND the prosecution's version of the crime is incorrect. AKA flinging mud at the wall and hoping some will stick.
He also pointed out that the President can't just declassify a document for himself. It gets declassified for everybody, and has to be marked as declassified. Those documents the FBI seized were NOT marked as declassified! The copies of them in the secure storage sites are not marked as declassified either.
Then there is the ridiculous notion that Donald Trump ever "studied" anything at all. He didn't even read or listen to his daily briefings.
And then there's the fact that a lot of SIGINT and nuclear documents are "born classified", that is, classified from the moment they are written, generated, whatever. Anything that has anything to do with our nuclear weapons, nuclear readiness, reliability, placement...anything to do with our nuclear military posture whatsoever is born classified and cannot under any circumstances be summarily declassified "with a wave of the hand" even by POTUS.
For those materials, a specific review process and a great many filtering stages and several levels of oversight is required, from several agencies including DoE, NRC, DoD, DHS, and so on down the line. Presidents are not able to declassify materials of this nature on a whim.
When it comes to SIGINT, signals intelligence that is associated WITH our nuclear status, or even SIGINT related to our spies, IF a president DOES summarily "wave his hand" and declare the material declassified there is also a review process that takes place because declassifying a lot of SIGINT carries with it innumerable consequences which can gravely alter our entire global position on security and our national security itself.
During the time that my father's work focused on Reagan's Strategic Defense Initiative, aka "Star Wars", he was a key part of the team that developed the thermal X-Ray Laser, which some of you know as MTG's "Jewish Space Laser". At the time he was working on it, IT was classified, knowledge of its existence was classified, and certain specifics of its design and construction were classified. The device itself was not nuclear however its purpose was supposed to be that of use AGAINST incoming nuclear devices delivered by various platforms in use by our adversaries.
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Donald Trump's very bad week started off by his bed bug ridden compound being raided for what we now know was the hoarding of illegally possessed nuclear and Signet documents, Then came the Donald Trump excueses:
The documents were planted by the FBI (Yet the Trump family viewed the entire evidence bathing on CCTV in real time)
The return of planted docs were being negotiated. (As one does)
Obama has classified material in his Library. Both sides do it. (Bamz's not yet opened library?)
All the nuclear stuff is well known by everybody and is all on your cell phone.
The docs were automatically declassified by order I created
There are procedures to declassifying documents. Waving Ivanka’s magic Sparkle Pony wand over a stack of documents and decreeing them now declassified, does not declassify them.
...but Trump's base will believe it and keep sending a "billionaire" money because he's "fighting for THEM."