I don't recall any rooftop snipers at the Capital in January. What I saw was a bunch of idiot rioters sent to cause a ruckus by a disgruntled and defeated politician.
They changed nothing besides their own criminal records.
Some Democrats seem to want the shooting of Democrats to begin just so they can say they told me so. Or so they can start shooting at the hated republicans...I'm not sure which.
Get a gun. Go shoot people. Observe the consequences.
Doesn't matter which party you belong to. You're going to jail.
Or perhaps go to Washington, go to the Capital and break some windows. Demand that an election be overturned. Again, observe the consequences.
You're going to f*cking jail. No matter what your excuse for doing it or who told you to do it.
And no elections are being overturned. Except at the ballot box. Your calls to violence seem to be falling on deaf ears. The stupid Republicans can't even get this right!
@pondering_it_all @Greger...you're both overthinking because the rooftop pic was not necessarily a literal reference.
But I caution anyone that it MIGHT be that the only reason we did not see rooftop snipers is because the bunch who had all that firepower stashed across the river never got the call to activate.
You DO remember that a large cache of firearms were stored at a safe house in prep for J6, yes?
And anyway, whether or not all this insanity works isn't the point either because there appears to be an inexhaustible supply of morons who will TRY nonetheless, and there's the rub. There's WHY America may very well look and feel like Northern Ireland for the next decade or so...because morons gonna moron.
And innocent people are still going to die, lots of them.
And all because: Butt hurt over a lost election.