You're missing the point Greger. It's not "just one Republican - it's all of them Katie™.
And what do you propose to do about all of them, Katie?
Remember, we live in a democracy. Old Joe can't just send them all to concentration camps and exterminate them.
How do you plan to stop them from voting if you don't think you have the numbers to defeat them at the ballot box?
What's your plan to seize control if you are beaten at the polls?
And will you change the name of your party then?
I suggest that your fear and loathing of all republicans (except Liz Cheney) is a useless waste of emotion because Democrats will ultimately triumph at the polls and a Golden Age of socialist reform will commence.
But not tomorrow. Not in November, not for a decade probably...we might well see DeSantis serve two terms before enough Americans are fed up with the Republican Party or the party evolves with the rest of the
free world.
Maybe DeSantis will declare himself president for life and eliminate voting in favor of appointing all representatives himself.
Either way, it's a long way off and I don't see much reason to panic about which representative represents Wyoming.
Or that other Americans will vote differently from me.
That's how democracies work.