Yep Rick, very poor general election candidates indeed. All thanks to Trump. PA, WI now look like they’re going Democratic. That’s a 2-seat pickup in the senate. NC could make it a three-seat gain for a 53-47 Democratic advantage. Although Budd in NC has a very slight advantage today. Although going by district by district and not the nationwide generic congressional ballot, the Republicans still look like solid favorites to retake the house with a gain of 18-20 seats. If you go back to my forecasts, I always had the Democrats retaining the senate. Keep an eye on Ohio, Tim Ryan is even with Vance in the polls in that very Republican leaning state. I don’t think that’ll last, but it keeps the race interesting.

Hollering about defunding the FBI isn’t about to gain any votes from independents either. You’re correct about that. Independents don’t like Trump to begin with, they also support the raid. Most would like to be rid of Trump. But a word of caution here, whereas Trump is an in your face obnoxious, rude, uncouth, a very distasteful and unlikeable individual, once he’s out of the picture, that leaves an opening for someone exactly like Trump, but with a more pleasant personality. A more tactful, political savvy figure, a more likeable individual who behaves and acts like an adult and presidential Someone without Trump’s baggage to emerge. Someone who has the ability to put the Democrats behind the political eight ball and attract independents which Trump can’t and won’t. Without Trump you’d have more viable Republican general election candidates in states like PA, OH, NC, GA, AZ with the GOP favored in those states instead of being the underdog.

It's high past time that we start electing Americans to congress and the presidency who put America first instead of their political party. For way too long we have been electing Republicans and Democrats who happen to be Americans instead of Americans who happen to be Republicans and Democrats.