oh rilly? Lemme tell ya, there's been no end of excuse making and scapegoating by way of foriegn intrigues with the Dem party for a number of years now.

Lose an presidential election? Blame Putin.

Don't like a critique? Smear em as a Putin lover

Embarrassing information gets reported on? Red bait

All this and more from the sock puppets and drone cones


'Gazprom PJSC will stop delivering natural gas to Europe through its main pipeline for three days, further squeezing energy supplies just as Germany is trying to build up stocks for the winter.'

Gazprom to Shut Pipeline for Three Days in New Shock to Europe

I can't believe Russia's still supplying gas to the countries that are aiding Ukraine and prolonging this war. About as weird as pumping gas to Germany who then sells it to Poland cuz the Poles refuse to pay in Rubles and would prefer to pay the German spot market price.

Didn't Washington warn about foreign embranglements?