Also, Sleepy Joe Biden's approval ratings seem to be ticking back up.

Joe's numbers will creep up as the economy improves. And the economy always improves.

But it won't improve enough by November 8th to save the house.

After that though, it should continue to improve(by fits and starts) for the next two years which will put Dems in a good position to keep the Whitehouse and regain the House in 2024 against the fascist upstart from Floridaa.

All Democrats lack is a candidate to rally behind. Biden is a fine president who is at least trying to do the right thing for the American people, but he's not liable to be our next president. Nor is his VP.

I see exciting times ahead for Democrats amid all this talk of doom and gloom. Some new faces, and new adventures ahead.

Good coffee, good weed, and time on my hands...