I'm not too sure about "traitor" because that implies loyalty to some entity other than your country. I don't think Trump's brain comprehends "loyalty". Functionally, he's a spoiled ten year old who has been faking being an adult all his life. Some ten year olds collect dead insects. Some collect game cards. Trump collects top secret documents. "They are mine", as in "I grabbed them, so now they belong to me". Not so much for their contents, or their value when sold to our adversaries. Just because they represent some spurious idea he had about himself. And they are really cool and make him feel like an action movie hero. I really think a lot of people are overthinking this.

If his dad had not given him so much money, he would have been dead or institutionalized long ago. Like died in a car crash fleeing police after robbing a store.

Educating anyone benefits everyone.