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I've got no beef with the Russian people or their country. I've lived long enough to see how the media machine and Hollywood propaganda mills are used to shape public opinion to not start getting into a lather when the ruling classes have another StalinHitler to hate, much less a whole nation of varied people as Russia or China. Helps to have worked with Russian and Chinese, also. A great deal ( a majority, IMO) never bought the Clinton's 'Putin ate my homework!' excuse though it's the prevailing sentiment at the rant.
Lemme know when Russia starts planting missiles near our borders and arms and trains a fully integrated proxy army on our doorstep and I'll see it your way regarding Putin, Until then, I'm not hopping on the latest 'with us or against us' neocon bandwagon. Not when there's so much bloody gore on our side of the street.
So Neocons traded a potential geopolitical partner, rich in natural resources and technical manufacturing prowess, for a corrupt amalgam of crooked local oligarchs helping launder foreign military aid with U.S. politicians and bankrupted the EU economy. Neocons may have messianic instincts but seem utterly void of business instincts.
Yeah, winters coming for the EU. Sorry bout their luck backing a dumb horse..
'Year-ahead electricity prices continue to soar in Europe, with German power prices, the European benchmark, jumping to over $508 (500 euro) per megawatt-hour on Tuesday amid low Russian gas supply and a heatwave constraining supply and output from other fuel sources... ...Households and industries in Europe are bracing for a difficult winter with skyrocketing energy bills and costs, and industrial sectors – including major industries in Germany – have warned that they will curtail production due to high energy costs.'
Bought some more machine glue to tide me over for the next 4-5 years. Last purchase was in April, Cost $120/bag. $180/bag last week. Loving this economic war. The adults are back