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What's your plan to seize control if you are beaten at the polls?
Good always wins over evil.
In case you have noticed, and I've stated this ad nauseum, there will be no red wave in November, and there will be no changing in the House or the Senate - only additions for the Dems.
I've been consistent all year in this prediction. I don't need polls or tea leaves - just common sense. There isNO WAY decent people are voting for immoral, pathological lying sociopathic Republicans who hate democracy.
What if we disagree on something? Do you always win? Why?
Is every political disagreement a matter of good vs evil?
Or have you sort of just assigned "good" to yourself and "evil" to anyone who disagrees with you?
Do you think Cheney is going to start voting for Democrats? Think again, Bucko!
A political "wave" election requires a loss of 30 or more seats. Democrats have never been in danger of this in any of our discussions. The surprise all along has been that despite Biden's low numbers the polls have shown Dems standing solid against it.
They'll lose a few seats, the gavel will change hands, and we'll have a new ballgame.
We're born with morality and knowing right from wrong - it's innate.
Originally Posted by Greger
What if we disagree on something? Do you always win? Why?
Why do Rwingers always have to have winners and losers?
Originally Posted by Greger
Is every political disagreement a matter of good vs evil?
Or have you sort of just assigned "good" to yourself and "evil" to anyone who disagrees with you?
See above
Originally Posted by Greger
Do you think Cheney is going to start voting for Democrats? Think again, Bucko!
A political "wave" election requires a loss of 30 or more seats. Democrats have never been in danger of this in any of our discussions. The surprise all along has been that despite Biden's low numbers the polls have shown Dems standing solid against it.
They'll lose a few seats, the gavel will change hands, and we'll have a new ballgame.
Democracy at work. Isn't it beautiful?
Indeed Democracy at work. The evil people are getting their comeuppance right now in fact!
Now that Harriet Hagenan has won the Republican nom in Wyoming - you can safely write her in as the next Congresswoman from the reddest of red states.
Harriet will definitely give the other two crazy grizzled veterans Boebert and Taylor some competition for which GOP'er is nuttier than squirrel feces. Harriet even has those loopy Michele (with one L) Bachmann eyes so she already has a leg up.
A rookie rep with no connections from a state smaller than most cities.
Your attempt to stoke fear in my heart with the mention of these right-wing firebrands is admirable, but they're just a part of American politics and always have been.
Cheney had substance. Cheney was a "quality candidate".
You have an odd fascination and relationship with fear. Simply because you think about fear 24/7 doesn't mean that everyone else does as well. The only time I even think of fear is whenever YOU write about it and it’s usually because you're accusing me of being fearful or stoking fear.
Trust me, fear isn't even an emotion that I ever think about or experience. That is the honest-to-God truth. Having stated that, YOUR projection of fear has been noted. Stop projecting, really, it's unhealthy.
Not in defense of Greger, he can quite adequately defend himself, but I do have fear, but not from something Greger has said. My fear is from my own perceptions of current situations.
My biggest fear is that we have already passed the Rubicon and have lost our democracy.
If you actually do have no fear, then I do not see how you can function logically. I think fear should be an emotion we all respect and try to understand.
The Republicans certainly have taken our country up to the edge of losing democracy, but a series of events (all of Trump's various investigations), placing sunlight on the 2019 Barr Memo regarding the Mueller Report is helping to pull us back from the brink that the Republicans have placed us in.
re: Fear
There is nothing to fear, but fear itself.
Fear keeps one aback and troubles one’s soul. The worst form of fear is the gloomy thoughts that create an eerie atmosphere inside one’s mind. It's a mental framework that should not be encouraged, as it has a disastrous effect on one’s courage and one's progress as being a fully functioning human and living in the present.
I live in a world where Dems and Reeps get along. Black and white and brown people meet on the streets and greet each other as equals. Where people of all religions work side by side. Where people of all ages play together, and where people of all sexual orientations sleep together.
And in the schools, their children mingle and become more accepting and more liberal.
Society evolves.
I'm not emotionally invested in politics. I don't need to hate anybody or be mad at them.
I don't need to fear losing the next elections or even the Whitehouse.
I am not rabble who will be roused.
Politics is a science. Not a religion. I watch the bubbling flasks, peer through the lenses, keep an eye on the numbers, and predict the results. Good and evil have nothing to do with it.
The Cheney/Hagerman swap was a net loss for the Reeps.