There is no proof he didn't make photocopies or digital copies of all those documents, and send them somewhere else for safe keeping. The documents themselves have zero value: It's the information in the documents that's important. I'm sure Trump had no interest in following the protocols our government uses for keeping that information secret. We already have copious evidence of that.

I think the only thing we can do now to safeguard from future leaks (blackmail efforts?) is to arrest Trump and hold him in high security with zero communication outside for the rest of his life. Draconian yes, but anything less is a lot more dangerous for the US. This is the sort of situation that most countries' intelligence services decide to save a lot of money and just kill the guy. The US doesn't do that, or at least they claim they don't. Or haven't recently. Or somebody else did it.

I think we need to modify the presidential requirements in the constitution: If you can't get a security clearance, you can't hold any office that requires one. This would affect who could run, and how succession would work.

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