Not quite sure what you’re getting at Rick. All the political strategists, prognosticators, forecasters, whatever thought and had Hillary Clinton winning to include me. I’d say 4 reasons why Trump won.

1. Voter turnout, Democrats outnumbered Republicans by 5 points in Nov 2016, but only by 3 points among those who turned out to vote. The Republicans had the higher voter turnout percentage. Lack of the Democratic base to turn out and vote in the same percentage as Republicans cost Clinton the election. Trump was able to inspire his base more than Hillary did to get out and vote. Trump was definitely the more energetic candidate and his voters more enthusiastic about voting for him than Hillary’s.

2. Independents, the non-affiliated, less to non-partisan group of voters who made up 25% of those who voted. They voted for Trump 46-42 over Hillary with 12% voting third party against both major party candidates. Independents disliked Hillary more than they disliked Trump enabling Trump to win the deciding states by narrow margins and thus the presidency. This indicated the importance of being able to attract the independent voter. Both major parties basically ignored independents in 2016 concentrating only on their base.

3. Trump won the anti-vote. Those who vote against a candidate, never for one which made up 26% of those who voted. Trump won the anti-voters 55-42 over Clinton. These are the people who vote for the candidate they least want to lose, not win, but least want to lose. These voters don’t want either major party candidate to win, they want both to lose. But in 2016, this group of voters wanted Hillary to lose more than they wanted Trump to lose.

4. Clinton laziness, she let Trump both outcampaign her and out work her. She had a very inept campaign strategy, she thought money alone was enough to win it for her. Clinton raised and spent 1.191 billion to Trump’s 646.8 million. The first time since 1964 that the presidential candidate who raised and spent the most money lost the election. Amazing that Clinton had twice as much money and still lost.

This underscores the importance of money in all of our elections. Usually the candidate with or the party with the most money wins the elections. Not only presidential, but for congress as well as in state level elections like governors, senators, secretary of state, etc.

It's high past time that we start electing Americans to congress and the presidency who put America first instead of their political party. For way too long we have been electing Republicans and Democrats who happen to be Americans instead of Americans who happen to be Republicans and Democrats.