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You have Russian missiles pointed at you as we speak. When has it ever been otherwise?
If the German chancellor feels he would be better off aligned with Russia, the military aid will stop and the gas flow will return to normal.
German voters are welcome to reject the pro-Ukrainian stance and demand that their government capitulates with Putin's requests so they will not be deprived of luxuries.
Europe could unite as a single great power under Putin's wise guidance.
A second colonization of the North American continent could commence, displacing the savages there.
Perhaps Greater Europe and China could split it down the middle, dividing its resources between them and subjugating the local Blue and Red tribes to work in the mines, forests, and fields.
Euro-Asian factories would then be unfettered in churning out the industrial needs of the industrialist world, and returning the bottom lines of billionaires worldwide to the evergrowing and astronomical proportions required for the happiness of the few.
China is having a few issues too, the heatwave is unrelenting, the Yangtze is dry, and power to the Sichuan manufacturing district has been cut off as there is no water to power the hydroelectric plants...
Neocons, huh? I'll keep an eye out for 'em.
As I say, lemme know when Russia has a proxy army and missiles on our doorstep. Pointed at us from halfway around the world is another matter. The older generations managed to engage and form treaties around these weapons. The US unilaterally left those treaties and has refused to negotiate new ones.
Kinda like the currents neocons at state refused to negotiate with Russia, with respect to Ukraine, to avert this provoked war. Hand waving away those actions of the US doesn't make us less of a dick.
Europe could do worse than unite with Russia from an economic standpoint. Hence us provoking this war and blocking a major energy infrastructure project. Nord Stream 2. All the generated Russophobia over the last decade, etc.. S'funny that Trump tried to get it shut down, being Putin's b!tch and all.
The Germans may not have a choice in the matter of renegotiating with Russia. If you've been following the rapid pace of bilateral and multilateral trade deals that have been happening since March, it looks as though Russia may not need German business as much as Germany need's Russia's.
Don't see the need to comment on the rest of your fictional scenarios cept to say global warming is coming for us all. Don't understand the point of China in a drought.
Don't look far for neocons.
If Ziggy's Ukraine and Maui's Russia, wonder where we are in this scenario. I'm guessing where Ziggy gets thrown on the stack.