Jeffrey Sachs has been writing clear eyed assessments of the situation in Ukraine and it’s causes. A long critic of the neocons, he wrote this piece on US neocon led foreign policy and its possible consequences over a month ago:

‘ The most likely outcome of the current fighting is that Russia will conquer a large swath of Ukraine, perhaps leaving Ukraine landlocked or nearly so. Frustration will rise in Europe and the US with the military losses and the stagflationary consequences of war and sanctions. The knock-on effects could be devastating, if a right-wing demagogue in the US rises to power (or in the case of Trump, returns to power) promising to restore America’s faded military glory through dangerous escalation.’

Ukraine: The Latest Neocon Disaster

Wasn’t it Les Moonves who said Trump may not be good for America but was good for CBS?
Johnson’s out, Schroeder looks ready to fall as does Macron. Draghi’s gotten out while the getting was good. Wonder where it’ll be in 2024 here in the US…

Last edited by chunkstyle; 08/25/22 04:55 AM.