Originally Posted by Greger
Germany just delivered 30 Flugabwehrkanonenpanzer Gepard tanks to Ukraine so it may not be entirely up to US voters to control the outcome of this conflict. If it ever was...

When has the US voter decided if we should impose state violence on a sovereign nation? The Russiagateworked on multiple levels, one of its chief aims being the demonization of Russians in general, Emanuel Goldstein Putin in particular, to shape public opinion prior to cleaving off more land of the former Soviet Union.

Was it Freud that said we learn to hate the people we plan to harm?

I don’t recall voters ever having any say in domestic policy decisions much less foreign policy. I think you’d have a hard time finding evidence to the contrary. Unless, of course, voters opinions happen to align with ruling class goals. Something our ruling classes spent a great deal of money shaping thru media, think tanks, lobbying etc..if they feel it necessary to do if it helps them achieve their goals. Otherwise, they do what they wanna do, correct?

Ukraine was a years long US ruling class project. Splitting Russia up and extracting its resources was the long term goal, IMO. Pining for the return of the Yeltsin years of Soviet collapse and fortunes made carpetbagging. Did you get to vote on wether we should militarily arm and train one half of Ukraine to shell the other half? Did you vote on the Maidan coup? I sure didn’t. Rather we fix Flynt’s water or get rid of homelessness than chuck billions into offshore tax havens by way of Ukraine but that’s just me. Wish in one hand…

Russiagate should be seen as prologue as well as inept campaign excuses.

Last edited by chunkstyle; 08/26/22 01:19 PM.