I’m one of those millions who think abortion should be legal, that the woman should decide. But abortion doesn’t make my list of issues that decides my vote. I think you’ll find this true for most swing voters. The price of bread and milk, hot dogs and hamburger, affects us much more than abortion. Everyone, rich, poor, male, female has to buy and pay for food.

If I think a candidate will do an excellent job at whatever office that candidate is running for, that candidate will get my vote. Whether than candidate is pro-choice or pro-life doesn’t enter into it. I go with the candidate I deem best suited for the job. Not the second or lower quality candidate who may get the job only because of that candidates position on abortion. Perhaps the difference is you’re a hardcore partisan, I’m not.

You can go right on thinking abortion will elect a ton of Democrats, but I prefer to go by the numbers. If abortion was going to be the deciding factor, I’m sure you would have seen changes in the generic congressional ballot between 25 June when Roe was overturned and 25 July which showed no change. That fact should tell you something. Not all people think alike. Everyone has different priorities and different reasons for voting the way they do.

Fact is government has a long history of telling women what they can and can’t do with their bodies. I do believe what a woman does with her body is up to her, be that having an abortion or being a prostitute. It’s her body and as far as I’m concerned, her choice.

It's high past time that we start electing Americans to congress and the presidency who put America first instead of their political party. For way too long we have been electing Republicans and Democrats who happen to be Americans instead of Americans who happen to be Republicans and Democrats.