Really, I just left Cook which had the 1 Sep update. I only count lean and tossups, unless a party has a race in the other party’s likely column. On 25 Aug Cook had 47 Democrats, 16 Republicans in those categories. On 1 Sep he has 46 Democrats, 16 Republicans. By adding together 6 other sites and then averaging I come up with my competitive, switchable, at risk seats. Which currently stands at 43 Democrats vs. 16 Republicans.

More important is Cook has 4 currently held democratic seats in the likely Republican column and 6 currently held democratic seats in the lean Republican column. Cook has 3 currently held Republican seats in the lean democratic column and none in the likely Democratic column.

Cook also lists 162 safe democratic seats vs. 188 safe Republican seats with each party having 26 seats in the tossup column. I disagree with the safe seats, I list 178 Democratic, 198 Republican. The difference is supposed is I count likely seats as safe seats since they’re not competitive yet. Although Cook lists them as likely as they stand a chance of becoming competitive. I don’t.

Cook really hasn’t any major changes in the house races since July.

It's high past time that we start electing Americans to congress and the presidency who put America first instead of their political party. For way too long we have been electing Republicans and Democrats who happen to be Americans instead of Americans who happen to be Republicans and Democrats.