Originally Posted by pdx rick
Correcting the record regarding inflation. Inflation actually began under Trump. See details here.
When it comes to elections, it's who gets the blame for inflation that counts. Very few of the electorate are financial gurus or pay attention to when it started. When inflation goes away, Biden will get the credit for it whether or not he had anything to do with it.

The economy is like the weather, it does what it wants to do. No president nor government controls it. If they did, we’d have all ups, all good times, no bad times and no downs. The person in charge always gets the blame or the credit, that comes with the job. The good news for the Democrats is gas prices are falling although food and housing continues to rise. Along with Trump helping the Democrats this election cycle, the falling gas prices is a benefit the Democrats.

If Trump had faded away after the November 2020 election like all other past presidents have, a red wave election would have been a certainty. I think Trump wishes he had, but his ego wouldn’t let him. He’s one egotistical SOB. So too do some Republicans who can see the damage Trump has done to the GOP. You guys sure you don’t want to keep Trump around with all the help he’s given the democrats this for this year’s election for 2024 election cycle? If I were a democratic election strategist, I sure would.

It's high past time that we start electing Americans to congress and the presidency who put America first instead of their political party. For way too long we have been electing Republicans and Democrats who happen to be Americans instead of Americans who happen to be Republicans and Democrats.