I wondered about that senate reelection funds. How much of that money went to Trump and his lawyers? This was the first thing I thought of when I learned of the GOP pulling funds out of PA, AZ, OH. Maybe another state or two. We know the RNC has been paying Trump’s legal bills. Money that could have been used by the GOP for the 2022 midterm campaign. I have nothing to go on with this, just a feeling.

Over the last month I’ve seen the democrats narrow the Republican advantage among independents from 10 point to 3 points in the generic congressional ballot. But I haven’t seen any changes going district by district. District by district has been static while the generic congressional ballot has been moving. Remember the generic is nationwide, a total of all the congressional vote. I think perhaps this movement in the generic by independents is independents lean democratic which abortion means more to them than pure, true independents with no leans or independents that lean republican. It also where this movement is taking place. In the northeast or west coast, it probably isn’t going to make any difference as a huge majority of those districts are safe Democratic anyway. It’s the swing, competitive, at risk districts that so far aren’t showing any change. Safe seats also have remained the same while the generic is moving toward the Democrats. Give it time, perhaps district by district hasn’t caught up yet with the generic. So much depends on how the districts were drawn and where the districts are. Time will tell.

It's high past time that we start electing Americans to congress and the presidency who put America first instead of their political party. For way too long we have been electing Republicans and Democrats who happen to be Americans instead of Americans who happen to be Republicans and Democrats.