Generally, I agree.

Magaworld is a never-ending tantrum. It flairs up and dies down. If they arrested DJT today and clapped him in irons, I don't think it would change the results of the election much.

But it would be exceedingly unwise to do anything to fire up the Republican base this near to an election already slated to be dangerous. That's just a political fact. It would counteract abortion, so strategically I'd wipe that from the slate...Senate would gain one seat, House lose 20-22 seats. effectively the same as Pero has it pegged now and without my more hopeful 15 seat loss.

I'll enjoy the sh*tshow one way or the other.

If I was giving the orders I'd wait til right after the election and slam him with espionage charges. Force the trial through before Pelosi hands over the gavel and be done with him.

They've been handling him with kidskin gloves because of his status as a former president and I expect that to continue. Former presidents are probably treated pretty well in those top-notch executive crime prisons.

Those empty folders probably just got thrown in the trash because Trump didn't find anything interesting in them....but for legal purposes, we must assume the lost documents were sold to Russian operatives...

Last edited by Greger; 09/03/22 11:30 PM.

Good coffee, good weed, and time on my hands...