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I think we should also remember how Trump came to be. Trump had a TV show for a couple of years. It made him look like the greatest business man ever seen in modern times and WE got to watch him in action! Then he lost his show but many loved to hear about him, what he was doing, saying etc. Trump, as one Tv exec said; "Was a regular moneymaker for us (TV)". As a result he was given, for free, massive exposure on TV. I think I read that he was given over 5 BILLION dollars in free exposure. This continues into this day! Trump, basically, is a creature created by TV to make money! I'm not saying there is anything wrong in an America run by greed but, somehow, there's something wrong with this!
Trump knows all of this. Its what he does! He has serious mental problems and TV just keeps him in the limlight which tends, I suspect, to encourage him to behave as he does (lies, cheats, and steals with abandon and everybody just loves him). Actually not everybody, only between 25% and 30% of the population. But they all vote as told and can be counted on. The same can't be said for either party. It also makes those that follow Trump the power behind the throne. These are people who have been consistently lied to and taken advantage of. They happily send millions of dollars to Trump to support lies! My own thought is that one would think somebody might figure out why this is and how to do something about it. I have no answers but we have an entire government which seems to be having a real problem taking care of itself and that also makes people a bit nervous.