Exactly Rick, the anti-vote can be huge. I call them anti-voters as they vote against a candidate, but not for any candidate. They don’t care who the candidate’s name is or what party of the person they’re voting for, anyone would do, Atilla the Hun or Genghis Khan would do as long as it wasn’t the candidate they’re voting against.

Biden won the anti-vote in 2020 68-30 over Trump. The anti-voter made up 24% of those who voted. Trump actually won those who voted for a candidate, not against 53-46 over Biden. 2016 was the same, the anti-vote carried Trump over Clinton with Clinton winning those who were voting for a candidate because they wanted that candidate to win. The anti-voter just votes for a candidate to lose, who wins is irrelevant to them.


What we’re seeing today in the ranks of independent voters with Trump front and centered is they have been reminded why they disliked him so. That disliked has moved some away from voting for a Trump led party and its candidates to switch to voting democratic. It’s not that they like the Democrats and want the Democrats to win, they don’t. Those independents who are switching just want the Trump led Republicans to lose more than the Democrat. They’re anti-Trump, not necessarily anti-Republican Party as shown in the 2020 election where 7 million of these anti-Trump voters voted for Biden, but then voted Republican down ballot enabling the Republicans to gain 13 house seats, a governorship and 2 state legislatures.

Last edited by perotista; 09/06/22 06:35 PM.

It's high past time that we start electing Americans to congress and the presidency who put America first instead of their political party. For way too long we have been electing Republicans and Democrats who happen to be Americans instead of Americans who happen to be Republicans and Democrats.