I’d say most of those who distrust our election system today are the highly partisans, party loyalist who can’t fathom how their candidate lost without fraud and cheating being committed. They love their candidate and can’t understand why anyone else wouldn’t. We see this in Trump supporters today. For them the only way Trump could have lost is due to massive fraud and cheating against him. It boils down to the only there is a legitimate election without fraud and cheating is if their candidate won.

According to a CNN poll taken in July 2022, 57% of Democrats express confidence in our election system even though they won the last election. 29% of Republicans do with 38% of independents. Which comes out to 42% of all Americans having confidence in our election system.

From the article: And about half of Americans, 48%, say they think it is at least somewhat likely that in the next few years, some elected officials will successfully overturn the results of a US election because their party did not win.

The above 48% includes 49% of Democrats, 53% of Republicans and 42% of independents.


What this shows is half of Democrats and half of Republicans think at some time in the near future the other party’s election officials will overthrow legitimate election results to make their party win.

It's high past time that we start electing Americans to congress and the presidency who put America first instead of their political party. For way too long we have been electing Republicans and Democrats who happen to be Americans instead of Americans who happen to be Republicans and Democrats.