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US District Judge Aileen Cannon denied the government's motion to stay her order of not reviewing classified documents to investigate Donald Trump for sticky-fingering classified documents. This is like a judge ordering the cops not to look at the sack of marked bills they found in the robber's freezer. We have entered Crazytown in the state of Banana Republic formerly knowns a Flor-i-duh, USA.
Some legal analysts believe that Aillen Cannon is not writing these rulings herself - that the Federalist Society is writing them for her. The Federalist Society are the folks who put her name in front of Mark Meadows who singularly approved judges for the White House and then got name in front of Mitch McConnell to approve through the Senate, with Cannon is simply issuing the rulings under her name.
The Federalist Society is a hugely powerful, nationwide organization of conservative lawyers, instrumental in helping then POTUS Trump pick future conservative federal judges and Supreme Court nominees.
MeidasTouch is a liberal American, pro-democracy, political action committee formed in March 2020 with the purpose to stop the reelection of Donald Trump in the 2020 United States presidential election, now produces ads and podcasts illuminating Righwing shenanigans.
Recently, Trump lost a "RICO" lawsuit against Hillary Clinton and 30 others with the judge dismissing the lawsuit as absurdly frivolous. Trump initially tried to get this suit in front of Aileen Cannon but was unsuccessful. In April 2022, Trump tried to get the judge who made the 'RICO" ruling dismissed, but was unsuccessful.
I think you read what you wanted to hear into my comments.
I AM convinced everyone who glibly claims there will be no contest between Trump and anyone else who is running is mistaken. This is the same as I typed in 2016 when people claimed and polling results indicated Clinton was a shoe-in, I typed it will be closer than people think or polling says.
The infrastructure rigging is not complete but a WIP. Trump-ites are running for offices which will certify elections in swing states. If they win, and there is no reason to simply assume they won't for whatever reason, I can be sure if they are elected they will insure the election is rigged in favor of Trump. If they don't all manner of nutty Trump-ites will converge on their heads with intentional extra-judicial prejudice.
I have a long standing belief based on all the nutty comments made by people who consider themselves politically well informed, 60% of the American electorate are stupid, the rest are moderately to well informed of primarily 2 political persuasions. Thus to simply say Trump can't win, all I can say is that what was said in 2016.
The only certainty and guarantee I have on election day in 2024 is I will vote against all Trump-ites and hope a majority of the 60% will have an epiphany on election day and save America from Trump. If they don't I do not discount the chance Trump could outright win and if not the Trump-ite infrastructure will prevail for at least a day before the court re-instate election results and hope there is an enforcement mechanism. Notice the contingencies. Like a Goldberg machine ... Imagine what foreign powers will think of America. A joke? Rotten to the core? Ahhh .... the paper tiger.
2024 .... stolen elections .... revenge
ignorance is the enemy without equality there is no liberty America can survive bad policy, but not destruction of our Democratic institutions
Thus to simply say Trump can't win, all I can say is that what was said in 2016.
Actually, Trump didn't win then either. By almost 3 million votes. It was nothing more than a fluke of the electoral college which deemed the loser a winner.
Then in 2020 every Trumpian idiot came out of the woodwork to vote and failed miserably to re-elect him.
He hasn't won a lot of new friends or followers since then, and as it has a way of doing...the world has moved on.
And Trump is not in its future.
As far as a few election supervisors swinging the results of a national election through the use of fake electors or other nefarious means, I think that will be quickly slapped down by the courts.
It's early in the century...but it IS indicative of a trend! Unless Republicans change something about their approach they are going to find themselves completely irrelevant before half the century is out.
If electing Trump was an attempt at change, it was a disastrous one.
Will treason of stealing classified documents finally bring down Trump?
A better question is whether Trump will finally bring down the Republican Party?
It's early in the century...but it IS indicative of a trend! Unless Republicans change something about their approach they are going to find themselves completely irrelevant before half the century is out.
If electing Trump was an attempt at change, it was a disastrous one.
Republican's have "attempted to change" for the past 70 years. Their goal is American democracy is replaced with authoritarianism and one-party rule.
Their goal is American democracy is replaced with authoritarianism and one-party rule.
That's my goal too! Except it's the Democratic Party.
And you haven't been one to lean towards two-party/bi-partisan agreements/solutions much either...what's up with that?
Would Democratic authoritarianism be benevolent and kind to everyone? I like to think it would. With sensible legislation, most of the world's problems could be solved within months.
The superiority of liberal policy would be so apparent that a conservative would be ashamed to even run for office...
Their goal is American democracy is replaced with authoritarianism and one-party rule.
That's my goal too! Except it's the Democratic Party.
And you haven't been one to lean towards two-party/bi-partisan agreements/solutions much either...what's up with that?
Would Democratic authoritarianism be benevolent and kind to everyone? I like to think it would. With sensible legislation, most of the world's problems could be solved within months.
The superiority of liberal policy would be so apparent that a conservative would be ashamed to even run for office...
And we would all live happily ever after.
No authoritarians of any stripe please. Lefty authoritarians, by the way, are the ones shaming everybody for views and values that they held thirty or forty years ago, and it's about stupid crap, like shaming Molly Ringwald for The Breakfast Club or Sixteen Candles, or yelling at people over "cultural appropriation" because they like black music when they're white or vice versa. Or how about all the pronoun nonsense? I can barely remember the two we started with. Or "Latinx" because they're on a mission to shame Spanish speaking people for daring to have a sexist language that uses linguistic "gender" which means Latino or Latina....too sexist, YOUR language is WRONG and you have to change it: because white guilt! I live in a 70% hispanic neighborhood and not a single person I know here takes "Latinx" seriously, they think it's an incredibly stupid made up term.
YeahNO...authoritarianism is toxic no matter which side it comes from. I'll take plain old blue collar Bruce Springsteen Democrats, thanks.
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