I did something by accident this afternoon.

There was a spider hanging from the condensation line coming off the side of the house that you can see about 3 o'clock in the picture. So I got out my leaf blower and came at him sideways parallel to the house and blew him away towards the gas meter. Then I started blowing the ground getting him out to the driveway and away from the house.

In doing so, I discover a good distance of the ground from the house is coved in crushed rock. So I made a pathway of crushed rock to the house by blowing the needles away. Prior to this, the entire yard was covered in dead needles up to the base of the house. It took about 10 minutes to do what you see in the picture.

That brown is about inch thick of dried needles. I figure it’s just as good as redwood bark that people use to keep weeds away. It'll suffice until I get the house expanded.

[Linked Image from uploads.disquscdn.com]

Contrarian, extraordinaire