With the NH primary results in, the primary season is not officially over, closed. I decided to review some of the primaries. The GOP primary in NH comes close to guaranteeing incumbent D Hassan will win and keep her senate seat. OH, AZ, GA, NC, PA are other states where the GOP has gone for a weak general election candidate over a candidate that stood a better chance at winning over independents and winning in the general election. The same goes for some governor races. It seems the Republicans this year have nominated a bunch of poor general election candidates. One can conclude that the Republicans this year, weren’t all that interested in coming up with good candidates that had a good chance of winning. They were more interested in nominating Trump endorsed or chosen candidates even if those candidates were poor choices for the winning the general election. Reducing the chances, the odds of winning in the general election in order to make a primary statement. Which is very good news for the Democrats.

Perhaps the Republicans don’t care if the Democrats retain power along with their control of congress. Republicans were more interested in helping Trump get his revenge against candidates that aren't 100% loyal to him than winning in November. Their poor choices of candidates sure seem to show that.

It's high past time that we start electing Americans to congress and the presidency who put America first instead of their political party. For way too long we have been electing Republicans and Democrats who happen to be Americans instead of Americans who happen to be Republicans and Democrats.