
You’ve said a lot about Russia’s intent. That’s fine and entertaining I guess. I’m looking at context and the historical record.

I’d agree with you that it doesn’t seem plausible for the Russian army of apx. 200k active in this SMO will do any better than we did in the lesser people’s countries. Not that Putin claimed that taking over the whole country was its goal. Goals tend to change over time though. Especially given all the NATO material and training.

I’d only add that there’s that conflict of economic time vs. military time vs. political time that’s at play in this. As I said, I’m a ploughshare kinda guy and there’s other stuff I feel more confident in understanding to post on. Leave it to the fantasists to cover.

Not that there records of opinion would be better. I think some people just get off on it more.

Last edited by chunkstyle; 09/15/22 04:19 PM.