“Yes, Jeffery, walls of text. TLDR...opinion pieces with links to other opinion pieces piecing together an opinion that matches one's own“

No one says you have to read it but Rilly? That’s what I’m doing? Huh, guess the same applies to you as it does to Jeff. I think I’ve posted links everywhere from VOA, Bloomberg, NYT, WAPO, Oil Price, CNBC, Reuters, Al Jazeerah, SCMP, etc. etc.

Didn’t realize they were all opinion pieces. Sure some may have been. Someone expressing an idea I might have agreed with or disagreed with and stated why. But all of em? Jeeze…. Wow…. I had no idea they were all opinion peices. Unless of course they weren’t.

Like I’ve said in the past, I liked it better back in the day when a citation was often called on BS. Kinda like:

“…Putin's war and that it was supposed to be a quick takeover of a nation that didn't want to be taken over.“

Who said it was? Your opinion, Putin’s statements? Russia’s MDO?

“ and every finger is pointing at Russia”

That’s not what I’ve been reading and, by golly, it’s not an op Ed peice…


“ Ukraine has been training for a Russian invasion for years. They have all the materiel in the world at their fingertips.”

Howzat? We’re they trained in NATO Doctrine?

Ok pal, just cuz you asked but I’m struggling to understand why your having a difficult time with it.

My position is;



Do you need help with those words. Don’t recall my position having changed and I’m tired of repeating them so I don’t. There’s no furthering of goals here. What on earth do you think gets furthered along as a goal by posting here? Examples would be handy here.