I suspect Trump had "all his best people" invade the Capital on January 6th, and most of them have been arrested, indicted, or plead already. How many more are going to be willing to suffer the same fate, for a hopeless cause? And where exactly would they go for a repeat performance? FBI headquarters? I think a large percentage would end up dead, if they tried to invade FBI headquarters. I think one a-hole tried so far and yep: Dead.
It might be an opportunity for the FBI to make a list of people willing to commit domestic terrorism, to be rounded up for "Insurrection Trials, Round 2". But I suspect Trump's "people are talking" contain a thin layer of actual domestic terrorists, mixed in with a lot of windbags and assorted nuts. Some large percentage of Republicans are saying they would vote for him even if he was convicted, but very few would face armed government agents. His minions are going to start facing more and more consequences in the coming weeks. Who wants to volunteer for that?