The other 394 are just going through the motion of voting in a pre-determined outcome.

Kind of represents an overall satisfaction(with some reservations) in the way things are going.

I picked up that "best Dems can hope for" phrase At the Times or maybe the Atlantic weeks ago...

Someone had crunched the numbers and that was literally the best Dems could hope for.

Dems should be dancing in the streets if the numbers come in as I say...Reeps will have a 10-seat advantage in the House. a majority as thin as Occam's razor!

The model I've got running shows them being noisy and obstreperous but ineffective. An unwelcome distraction and a reminder of why we all hated Trump and his thuggish supporters. All of whom are about to find themselves to be roadkill on the highway of history.

Like supporters of other "Lost Causes", they'll more and more be finding themselves on the wrong side of history.

Have you talked to any climate change deniers lately? They're coming down as fast as confederate statues. Where did the TEA Party go...?

And as I mentioned above, abortion deniers will also begin to fall as medical science and jurisprudence clash with religious indoctrination.

From my viewpoint, Democrats appear to be ticking along nicely and playing the opposition like a fiddle.

But there's only so much you can reasonably hope for in an election.

Good coffee, good weed, and time on my hands...