If the GOP retakes the house, they will make a lot of noise, but nothing accomplished. Two reasons for that, Schumer will probably table most republican house passed bills as Reid did during the 2011-2014 period when the GOP controlled the House, but not the senate. Then you always have the presidential veto. Also, the filibuster on the slight chance the Republicans can capture the senate which I don’t see how today.

I do however see a lot of revenge tactics coming from a Republican controlled house. I wouldn’t be surprised, I half expect the GOP house will impeach Biden. Only because the democrats impeached Trump twice. They’ll come up with some high-sounding reason, but it’ll boil down to revenge for impeaching Trump. I also expect McCarthy to take some revenge on Pelosi for her not allowing the minority party to choose their own members of the 1-6 committee. McCarthy if he becomes speaker is sure to deny certain democrats any committee appointments. Revenge big style. I may be wrong about this; I doubt it though. Democrats like Adam Schiff will probably find themselves without a committee assignment with McCarthy citing Pelosi precedence setting denial. Denying the minority their chose on committees had never been done before.

Regardless, if the democrats retain control of the senate, I’d be happy about that along with every other democrat who should be. Even with the loss of the house. It would be an historic victory for a party whose president is hovering around 40% overall job approval with a majority of Americans disliking the job Biden is doing.

Overall job performance




The economy in general






Thank God for Donald Trump, without him you’d be looking at 2010 losses in the house, 63 seats along with 2014 losses in the senate, 10 seats. This midterm if the election goes the way the numbers say it will today, will be historic. An all-time historic win for the Democrats even with the loss of the house. This has never happened before. An historic win courtesy of Donald Trump, his meddling in the GOP primaries providing very poor quality far right, possibly unelectable candidates for the general election, his election deniers along with the GOP massive overreach going against popular opinion, wants and wishes.

The key to the Democrats success or projected success this midterm is independents whose focus has been taken off Biden and company, off inflation and these other issues and has gone directly to focusing on Trump. If the Democrats keep that focus on Trump they’ll do just fine, great by historical standards. In reality, this shouldn’t be happening, but it is.

It's high past time that we start electing Americans to congress and the presidency who put America first instead of their political party. For way too long we have been electing Republicans and Democrats who happen to be Americans instead of Americans who happen to be Republicans and Democrats.