Jeffrey, my hope is once the Republicans suffer these historic losses, they’ll realize how big an albatross Trump is around their necks. As for the future. Let Trump run in 2024, that would be a god sent to the democrats. Independents aren’t going to vote for him. The Democrats would win in a landslide. 60% of the total vote is a possibility. Trump’s a has been, but Trump himself, his followers and it seems most democrats don’t realize that. I can’t understand what terrifies the Democrats so much about Trump. Trump is an overt buffoon, an obnoxious one, uncouth, rude, a personality that even his mother would abhor.

Keep in mind, the republicans are still the smaller of the two major parties, they must win the independent vote or lose the election. With Trump running in 2024, losing is guaranteed. Only 35% of independents have a favorable view of Trump 58% see him negatively or unfavorable. History has shown folks usually don't vote for someone they dislike, and independents really dislike Trump.

You seen this year with the midterms coming up. How they went from a red wave to the Democrats gaining governors and senators with approximately a 20% chance at keeping the house. Go back to February, March timeframe when the focus was on inflation, not Trump. It looked like the GOP would gain the senate and the house by substantial numbers. But not since Trump became the focus beginning in August. Trump is poison to independents. All thanks to Trump and some very smart campaign strategy by the democrats, they’ll have an excellent midterm when they should have been demolished. Without Trump, I’m certain the democrats would have been.

I’m not worried about Trump. He’s too disliked. I’d worry about someone who replaces him with basically the same beliefs. Someone who acts like an adult, behaves like a candidate should, maybe a smooth talker, someone with political experience. Someone with the ability to attract independents which Trump can’t. That someone is who you should be worried about, not Trump.

That someone is in the future, but the democrats are too fixated on Trump to worry about the future which I think will come sooner than later. Perhaps as early as 2024.

Last edited by perotista; 09/17/22 11:37 PM.

It's high past time that we start electing Americans to congress and the presidency who put America first instead of their political party. For way too long we have been electing Republicans and Democrats who happen to be Americans instead of Americans who happen to be Republicans and Democrats.