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What is your source for knowing ‘Putin’s plan’ you based your opinions on?
His own words. Quit sealioning. We all know Putin's plans for Europe, ALL of it.
Does Putin live in a hollowed out mountain lair too, Jeffrey? Has he got amphibious frogmen that fly thru the air with rocket packs then plunge into the sea to infiltrate the presidents yacht?
The political party he represents just had a good election result, BTW. So much for the unpopularity that was sure to happen after we talk Europeans into shooting themselves in the head with energy sanctions.
No. Your ‘we’ is doing a lot of work here. What happened to all them Jews in Galicia?
What was that Minsk agreement. Who shelled civilians for eight years straight?
Who was Bandera?
I’m talking about the massacres during WW2 as I’ve already stated. Who worked with Nazi fascists? Hmmm.. for that matter, who’s going fascist now?…
Jeeze, suddenly it’s all so confusing for you. It’s such a big ball of overlapping timelines, people’s and administrations.
On the other hand, how convenient it’s all about the Holdomor and Russia’s doing another one. Keep selling Jeff. Keep selling.
Anyhow, please link to a press release, video statement or official Russian government documents that show ‘the plan’ for Europe. Is it similar to the global Jewish conspiracy plan?
Were you using the royal ‘we’ btw? If so, disregard my comment on your use of the word ‘we’.
Anyhow, please link to a press release, video statement or official Russian government documents that show ‘the plan’ for Europe. Is it similar to the global Jewish conspiracy plan?
Were you using the royal ‘we’ btw? If so, disregard my comment on your use of the word ‘we’.
Several people, including Girkin, have called for tactical nuclear strikes to be used on various targets in order "to drive 20 million refugees to Europe." The tactic was encouraged again on Russia's state-run Channel One, the leading propaganda outlet, by Igor Korotchenko, a military expert and editor of Russia's National Defense magazine.
Russia's leader refused to call it an invasion or a war. Moscow continues to coin Europe's biggest war since 1945 a "special military operation".
The claims of Nazis and genocide in Ukraine are completely unfounded but part of a narrative repeated by Russia for years. "It's crazy, sometimes not even they can explain what they are referring to," complained Ukraine's foreign minister Dmytro Kuleba.
However, an opinion piece by state-run news agency Ria Novosti made clear that "denazification is inevitably also de-Ukrainisation" - in effect erasing the modern state.
Putin elaborated on his imperial vision during a June 9 event in Moscow to mark the 350th birthday of Russian Czar Peter the Great. He spoke admiringly of Czar Peter’s achievements during the Great Northern War and drew direct parallels to his own contemporary expansionist policies. The lands taken from Sweden during the Great Northern War were historically Russian and Peter was merely returning them to their rightful owners, Putin stated. “Apparently, it is now also our responsibility to return (Russian) land,” he said in a clear reference to the ongoing invasion of Ukraine.
So nothing official from Russia then. Just more western media reports. Atlantic council even….. gawd. You really are an unashamed propagandist.
I do notice an uptick from the NATOstan media regarding bio and nuke weapons. My guess is another campaign yo shape public opinion for something NATO may be contemplating in future as the situation gets more dire for the west.
Good to see you can still make it up as you go Jeff.
It was an absurd ask for you to back up your claims of knowing ‘Putin’s plan’. You know it about as much as your media and corporate think tank linked pieces do. Which is to say you don’t. All speculation paraded as ‘intelligence’.
Oddly, your hated academic Mearseimer, seems to have called the trajectory before Russia’s SMO kicked off in March.
‘ Far-right parties failed to pass a 5% barrier to enter parliament, although if they had banded together, and not split their vote, they would have probably slipped past the threshold. Only one government minister has links to nationalist parties - though he is in no way a neo-Nazi or fascist. And the speaker of parliament, Volodymyr Groysman, is Jewish. He has the third most powerful position in the country after the president and prime minister. But Ukrainian officials and many in the media err to the other extreme. They claim that Ukrainian politics are completely fascist-free. This, too, is plain wrong. As a result, the question of the presence of the far-right in Ukraine remains a highly sensitive issue, one which top officials and the media shy away from. No-one wants to provide fuel to the Russian propaganda machine.’
S’funny how much reporting on ukraines Nazi problem was before March of 2022 and how NATOstans media is all Nazis? What Nazis?! We don’t have any stinking NAZIS!! after March…
I’ve linked to some of that previous reporting thru out this thread.
Say Jeff, you still haven’t answered who did the Galicia massacre in 43? What was that all about? Someone seemed to have a real beef with Jews and Poles.. wonder what that was all about.
Hate to think of fascist bastards like that still existing or, worse yet, being incorporated into a modern equipped and NATO trained military. Can’t imagine having to live next to that.
On the other hand, some Jews were down with fascists so who am I to judge?
These look like swell kids. Nothing like an extensive social network and recruitment camps. Hope these kids don’t go off on an ethnic cleansing bender. Start hollering bout people being of lesser stock and inferior culture. Start throwing rocks or picking up guns against targeted ‘sub-humans’. You know.. people living in regions they shouldn’t, etc, etc.
Not like the US would back far right fascists. No sir…
Huh… fasci metrosexual Vice did a dive into some rowdy’s on the Donbass LOC a few years ago. These dudes all seem normal. What’s up with the ‘Blood and Soil’ flags? Santa Clause identifies himself as an anarchist so maybe it was a sewing mistake? Anyhow, I’m sure the 10k civilian deaths/ 2 million displaced in the breakaways, in the 8 years since the US backed coup had nothing to do with these bro’s. They look like they’re having fun.
Max Blumenthal, DNC strategist and Clinton alum Sydney Blumenthal’s left leaning son seems to have been delusional when he produced this piece a few years back His Delusional reporting seems pretty thorough though..
Oddly, unlike the major media companies, who in no way ever manufactured consent for any American led SMO’s in recent decades, uh uh, nosiree, he’s still staying consistent with regard to his earlier reporting.
I think he’s recently earned himself some kind of ‘Russian propagandist designation for his consistency