Originally Posted by chunkstyle
How in the world could the BBC have been so wrong….

Sheesh, howd them Nazis get 4 ministry’s, including the defense ministry, after the coup?

I hope there’s been a shakeup at the BBC and they now got their head right.

Wait, ONE GUY....ONE...said something mumble mumble the Jews. ONE guy.
Uh ohhhh...
Hey I don't think very highly of him either, okay?
But he's ONE guy.

At the very start of the clip a youngster, couldn't be more than eighteen said that "not all of us endorse the far Right views but some of us do" and when asked to elaborate: Mumble mumble "clean country --- Ukraine for Ukrainians" and when pressed about Crimea and Russians: "They can move to Russia".

What exactly ARE you expecting from these kids, anyway?
Might have helped yourself if you had actually WATCHED the clip. LOL

Now this on the other hand:

[Linked Image from rollingstone.com]

This is LOCAL, as in Youngstown, Ohio.
Your tsunami of strawmen and fermented BS is falling apart however I noticed a pattern emerging.
You seem to like using a tactic cultivated by the Russians.

I think it's called 'whataboutism'....with a dash of sea-lioning thrown in.

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