As far as energy inputs go, imma filing renewables with wunderwaffen weapons just over the hill to save the Ukraine. Lotsa vapor ware in the economy right now.

S’funny how some are unable to look at what’s happening to the European economies after throttling NG inputs and feel the need to wave away oil inputs as they they know something. Again, hurts us a bit. Hurts Europeans more. No telling what alternative markets will form outside the dollar market but I’m guessing with the amount of money at stake, one will. Another push for countries to dedollarize if there’s an alternative bobbing to the surface.

All gas, no brakes. Har! Neocons have such a hard on for great games yet their so awful at it. What have they improved on since taking over state with Busch jr.?

If you looking at the price cap another way, Russia will refuse to sell to any country that participates in cap (as they’ve stated they would), that’s taking a lot of oil off the market. Leaves less. OPEC can’t allow this either. OPEC’s already announced a production cut. Money to be made. Oil line goes up on the trading floor. Russia sells less oil at much higher price to others. Makes more money after cap. Could happen. NG market did exactly that. Your hand wave looks dubious.

Yes, western media is saying Putin’s threatening nukes. My read from his speech is the same still. Eff around and find out. I’m guessing what are reaction would be with Russian weaponry, advisors Mercs, near our borders.

dAs wudDaBouTism cHunKs!

Once the breakaways are incorporated, probably friday, any attack on them will then be an attack on Russia itself. It’s no longer an SMO. Becomes full on NATO vs. Russia.

Your last description of Russian military has been repeated since the start of the SMO by yellow cake news co. in the west.
I’m not reading those characterizations outside NATOstan, funny enough. ‘Russia’s running out of ammo, soldiers, fuel, etc’… a 3/1 disadvantage for Russia with their incompetent army hasn’t run out of anything and seems to be holding its own against the US supplied wunderwaffens and proxy army (yay! Another way Congress need not do its job with declaring wars) curtesy of US taxpayers and a few steak dinners for some Congress critters.

What’s it now? $70-80,000,000,000 and counting. What’s it for again? Something to do with something that doesn’t with Yemen, Libya, Syria, etc..

Remember the terms that Russia was willing to settle for back in December? Yes to joining EU. No to joining NATO. Gawd, how horrible. This is so much better. Blueanons getting their war finally. And what a war!

Anyhow, whose up for direct military conflict with a nuclear armed superpower? Who’s enlisting here at the Rant?