Our wives often have the best reaction to things. Because she's half-Lebanese with Arab features, she is singled out at airport checkpoints for "extra search." When one of the Homeland special agents told her to take the felt of her jeans, she looked at him and said: "I usually at least get kissed, first." He laughed, told her to forget it, and let her pass. One the few times either of us saw one of them smile.
Know that famous internet meme of the sexy gal that shows up at TSA in a long overcoat with nothing but bra and panties underneath? Karen seriously considered it because EVERY. SINGLE. TIME. she flies, it's a private room with at least partial strip search and more indignities on top of that.
What's this? (urinary catheter) ---- as if they've never seen a goddamn catheter bag before.
One time they wanted to disassemble her power chair. Could they guarantee in writing that they were able to reassemble it OR offer an equivalent replacement if they damaged hers?
What's in your panties? Unbelievable.
Another time the "helpful" escort team damn near ripped her bladder out by catching her foley on an arm-rest while rolling the narrow aircraft aisle chair down the aisle. They've damaged her power chair twice by basically throwing it in the plane. And on top of all that, the TSA is just RUDE, they're just rude, angry and spoiling for a fight.
She just won't fly anymore.
But the best one was last time we DID fly, she asked if it would help if she just showed up naked with just an overcoat and just gave them a free show.
They didn't have a sense of humor but it made her giggle.