he willfully chose to do the right thing. Just to prove that he knows the difference between right and wrong.

I had to chuckle to that.

One may know the difference between right and wrong and still choose to do the wrong thing every time. Doing so does not mean, or imply, or insinuate he doesn't know the difference, only that he has the free will to choose something other than the right thing.

I have often hoped he would take the stand and testify under oath to expose himself to his supporters what an idiot he is, but alas, they would only think he is one of them and intensify their support, loyalty, and fealty to him.

Being at the right time, the right place, the right person, saying the right things, etc, appears to be an almost eerie nexus of all the wrong, unethical, evil things all at once, which makes me consider ( ; >) he may be the anti-Christ ..... maybe it is as Rep Greene and Boebert say .... the END TIMES .... I don't know whether to pray to Trump or say some Hail Mary's

ignorance is the enemy
without equality there is no liberty
Save America - Lock Trump Up!!!!