Earlier tonight I read an article by a female journalist who spent the summer traveling rural America, interviewing folks about the state of America. I wish I could find the article now, but she talked about a lot folks she spoke to never voted before, but what Donald Trump has done since leaving office, plus the GOP-led Dobbs decision and the legislation that red states have enacted as a result of Dobbs (penalizing women criminally) has caused a lot of folks to register to vote. It’s 2:1 women to men. People are pissed that a right that was had for 50 years is now gone.

Re: Polls

My understanding is that most polls are conducted by phone line. If that is true, how accurate are polls. I cited taking a Pew Research poll recently, but they reached to me by mail, plus $2 to participate.

If you Google “GOP has failed America” you will find a lot of articles of former GOP’ers upset with the Republican Party, who by-the-way, has no platform other to impeach ol’ Joe and investigate Hunter’s laptop.

I’ve written this all year: This mid-term will not be like the others.

Contrarian, extraordinaire