Most polling firms use a combination of landlines, cell phones and the internet. How accurate are they? Nate Silver has a polling firm rating based on accuracy of their election results. Here:

I check it out every now and then, not so much for the accuracy, but for the lean factor. Nate also list that. I live out in the country; you won’t find any election signs or bumper stickers out here. Politics just isn’t talked about. Here lately it’s been mostly Braves. Since football began, the NFL Falcons and UGA college football has also become a hot topic. Since no one talks politics, it’s hard to tell who votes and who doesn’t unless you see them at the polling place. Since I vote early down at the county register’s office, I won’t see anyone at the polling place come election day.

We’ve never talked about ROE nor about Trump. Gas prices, the cost of food we have. But it’s in a general context, no blame being assessed. Just constant bitching. One of the hot topics is the amount of subdivisions going in. The conversion of farmland into houses and the clear cutting of trees and forests and the conversion of farmland into subdivisions. If we had our way, we’d force all these folks moving out here back into the city of Atlanta or back up north where they came from. Let them go back to their asphalt and concrete, we want to keep our farmland and woods.

You don’t have any outward signs of one’s politics out here, no one wears their politics on their sleeves. Politics takes a backseat to normal everyday activities. Everyone is just living their life the best they can.

It's high past time that we start electing Americans to congress and the presidency who put America first instead of their political party. For way too long we have been electing Republicans and Democrats who happen to be Americans instead of Americans who happen to be Republicans and Democrats.