Originally Posted by perotista
Jeffrey, I too think we as a nation has done everything possible regarding covid. The wife and I have received both the two initial shots and the two boosters. We both still wear masks going to the store. I’d rather err on the side of being safe even if it might be overdoing it. I think not.

And Rick, I think wishing death on voters in Texas and Florida is taking partisanship a bit too far. At least for my blood. Then again, I 've never been a partisan nor affiliated myself with or for either major party. So, I never learned to hate based on party politics, ideology and partisanship.

It's no longer "party politics, ideology and partisanship" and hasn't been for well over five years, and if I am generous, certainly not since January 6th, 2021. That IS a wound that shall not heal except by a massive stroke of justice that renders insurrectionists and their leadership permanently neutered.

I think it is highly disingenuous to paint a portrait of America in which two groups are merely expressing "political differences" when one group actively attempted to violently overthrow the government and is still attempting to do so as you read this.
I would like to regard you as reasonable but the more you butter up the insurrectionists as innocent parties who are
"just expressing themselves" the more it looks like you might as well endorse "The Big Lie" openly.

Sorry, I wish the same fate on any and all enemy combatants for one simple reason: The kind of people who would do such a thing at the Capitol are the kinds of people who wouldn't hesitate to shoot ordinary citizens on the street.

After all, their hero inspired them by saying HE could do it and not lose any votes.
It all should have been brought to a screeching halt right then and there...if we were still a normal republic.

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