Rick, if the GOP retakes the House I’m sure there will be three things they’ll do right quick. One - They’ll impeach Biden only because the Democrats impeached Trump twice. Two - McCarthy will deny a few certain democrats any committee assignment in payback for Pelosi denying his committee choices on the 1-6 committee. Three – The house will use their investigative powers to open a 1-6 type investigation on Hunter Biden. In other words, a GOP controlled house will be more concerned with political payback than anything else.

The Republicans know that any legislation a Republican controlled house passes won’t see the light of day in a likely Democratic controlled senate or with a Democratic President. As for voter enthusiasm – it’s pretty even. To the question and question number 62. Enthusiasm about Voting in 2022 - Compared to voting in previous Congressional election years, are you more or less enthusiastic about voting in this year’s election? You have 36% of the Urban population more enthused, 37 Suburb, 39 rural. Then the party breakdown, 43% of democrats are more enthusiastic about voting in this year’s midterm, 47% of republicans with only 24% of independents stating they’re more enthusiastic. Basically, a wash. But a wash is good news for the Democrats. History has shown the party out of power is much more enthusiastic about voting in a midterm than the party in power.


It's high past time that we start electing Americans to congress and the presidency who put America first instead of their political party. For way too long we have been electing Republicans and Democrats who happen to be Americans instead of Americans who happen to be Republicans and Democrats.