Here’s what I do with events that may affect elections. I write down the date, check how the election or that race stands today, then check how the candidates stand in a week, then two weeks and a month after to see if the event had an affect or not. Today, this how Georgia’s senate race stands.

I’ve always had Warnock winning. I always expected Warnock to increase his lead as election day gets closer. Walker was probably the worst candidate the Republicans could have nominated to go against Warnock. But Trump endorsed and chosen, he won his primary over more qualified and much better candidates suited to win a general election. Walker is a very poor general election candidate. He won’t win. Look at the Georgia governor’s race to tell the difference between a good quality candidate which is also better suited for the general election when all folks vote, not just Republicans.

The big reason is Warnock and Kemp are doing good among independent voters. Walker and Abrams aren’t. There’ll be a lot of split ticket voting among independents. Another reason is senate races are more about national issues whereas governor races are about local issues. National issues do not have the same ring or importance in governor races since governor races are all about things going on within the state and state issues. Hence you can have Republicans winning the governorship of Massachusetts and Maryland and a Democrat winning the governorship of Kansas, while no Republican running in Massachusetts and Maryland and a democrat in Kansas has a chance of winning a senate seat or the presidential election.

It's high past time that we start electing Americans to congress and the presidency who put America first instead of their political party. For way too long we have been electing Republicans and Democrats who happen to be Americans instead of Americans who happen to be Republicans and Democrats.