5 Oct 2022 - Changes in the house over the last week. The number of competitive, at risk, switchable seats for the Democrats fell to 42, their safe seats rose from 178 to 180. Republican at risk seats rose from 16 to 18 while their safe seats dropped from 197 down to 195.

House of Representatives

Currently the House of Representative consists of 222 Democrats, 213 Republicans. The GOP needs a net gain of 5 seats to take control of the House. There are 60 competitive, switchable, at risk districts. Currently held by 42 Democrats and 18 Republicans. Safe seats, 180 Democratic, 195 Republican. Probable net gain for the Republicans is 11-13 seats. Which would give the GOP control of the house with the majority over the Democrats somewhere between 224-211 to 226-209.

This is the district by district figures. Not the national generic congressional ballot which I’ll address later as the national numbers are going the opposite direction. District by district the trend is democratic, nationally, the trend has shifted back toward the Republicans.

It's high past time that we start electing Americans to congress and the presidency who put America first instead of their political party. For way too long we have been electing Republicans and Democrats who happen to be Americans instead of Americans who happen to be Republicans and Democrats.