Here’s something that has always interested me. The want of a viable third party to challenge the democratic and republican parties. I’ve always been in the forefront of this, at times working hard to establish a viable third party. Failed though. Although the percentage of all Americans has dropped some from 2021, you still have only 40% of all Americans who think the two major parties do a good job of representing American People, 56% say they don’t, that we need a viable third party. This includes 75% of independents. Which is not surprising as independents or those who identify themselves as independents has risen from 30% of the electorate in 2006 up to 43% today as the major parties have shrunk. I’ve concluded a viable third party isn’t going to happen in our two-party system regardless of how fed up people become with our two major parties. They have a monopoly on our electoral system, and they’ll keep it regardless of how small they become as a percentage of all Americans in members or those who identify or affiliate with them. The bottom line is no matter how much the two major parties come to hate each other, even try to destroy each other, they do agree on one major thing, no viable third party will ever rise. Since Republicans and Democrats write our election laws, they write them as a mutual protection act. There are many other reasons, financial, media coverage, many more. But here if anyone is interested.

Public Interest in Having a Third Major Party Dips to 56%

It's high past time that we start electing Americans to congress and the presidency who put America first instead of their political party. For way too long we have been electing Republicans and Democrats who happen to be Americans instead of Americans who happen to be Republicans and Democrats.