When even Ralph Nader recognizes the threat, that's pretty significant.
Dana Milbank weighs in on WaPo:
Opinion Two decades after playing ‘spoiler,’ Ralph Nader fights for Democrats
"It’s not that Nader suddenly likes Democrats. It’s that Democrats are the only thing standing in the way of an authoritarian takeover of the United States — and this is no time to be carping over trifles. “What’s different now is in 2000 there wasn’t a fascist drive coming over the horizon,” he told me this week. “Right now, we’re dealing with the greatest menace to a modest democratic society since the Civil War.”
---Too bad he didn't recognize what a lot of us did back then...a good many of us saw it coming over the horizon starting in 1994.
And again in 2015, 2016, and 2020 and 2021. Even a good many Republicans saw what's happening before Nader did.
He was wrong in 1965 with "Unsafe at any Speed", and it seems like he's been licking his wounds since 2000 but that having been said I'll welcome support from an "old gadfly" if it helps fight off fascism.