The latest on Nevada:

The reason Laxalt has taken the lead is that he’s doing much better among Hispanics. Cortez-Masto won the Hispanic vote when she last ran in 2016 by 35 points, this time she’s winning them by 18.

Here’s Pennsylvania. Oz over the last couple of weeks has cut an 8-point lead by Fetterman down to a bit less than 4. Some prognosticators have moved Pennsylvania back from lean Democratic to tossup.

If one is watching trends or momentum, the trend was all Republican from January through July. Then around the first party of August the trend or momentum shifted to the Democrats which they took the lead in the generic congressional ballot for the fist time this year along with looking at gaining 1-2 senate seats. Then the momentum or trend shifted back to the Republican at the end of September where now the GOP has retaken the lead in the generic congressional ballot, Fetterman has lost half of his once 8-point lead and in Nevada, Laxalt has taken the lead over Cortez Masto. Although a small lead. But before one gets excited, remember there is the margin of error in all these polls. Usually plus or minus 3 points.

One other trend if I may, along the border states, the southwest which includes Nevada, Hispanics are slowly trending to voting more Republican than the national average. You seen this in Texas where Trump won 41% of the Hispanic vote along with a Republican winning a special election for congress along the border a couple of months ago. A district that is 80% Hispanic, this is why this one special election stands out. But this trend of Hispanics voting more and more Republican is confined to Texas and the southwest. So far. The shift in Hispanics is a reason in Arizona Trumper Lake is tied with Hobbs for the governorship.

It's high past time that we start electing Americans to congress and the presidency who put America first instead of their political party. For way too long we have been electing Republicans and Democrats who happen to be Americans instead of Americans who happen to be Republicans and Democrats.