Below is the list of most important issues for the midterms. Issues on which voters decide who to vote for. I still find it strange that inflation and the economy aren’t combined. Question 60
Inflation/prices 24%
Jobs and the economy 11%
Health care 10%
Abortion 9%
Climate change and the environment 8%
National Security 6%
Immigration 6%
Civil rights 5%
Taxes and government spending 5%
Education 4%
Guns 4%
Crime 4%
Civil liberties 2%
Criminal justice reform 1%
Foreign policy 1%

For the latest on the generic congressional ballot, you can check here.

The fact is you won’t have any wave election or tsunami, regardless of color. We’re talking, at least as of today a very close election. The house, a probable net gain for the Republicans is 11-13 seats. Which would give the GOP control of the house with the majority over the Democrats somewhere between 224-211 to 226-209. In the senate, today only two states seem likely to change hands, PA goes Democratic, NV may go Republican, if so, another 50-50 tie. GA, AZ stays Democratic, WI and NC stays Republican. Outside of those 6 states I listed, there is no other drama in the senate races. Of course, we still have a bit less than a month prior to the election, things can change. But now the momentum seems to have shift slightly toward the Republicans. If that continues, which no one knows it will. I’d look for the GOP to gain a couple of more seats than the 13 I have them at now. But the senate seems out of reach for the Republicans. Not with Walker in GA or Masters in AZ.

It's high past time that we start electing Americans to congress and the presidency who put America first instead of their political party. For way too long we have been electing Republicans and Democrats who happen to be Americans instead of Americans who happen to be Republicans and Democrats.