The GOP has very few actual plans or proposals, other than regaining power to block everything Democrats propose. Inflation is driven by companies raising prices, which is fine with Republicans. Unemployment is lower than it was under Trump, though Republicans feel free just to make up unsupported numbers at their rallies, (AKA lies). Democrats gave us all access to health care coverage, and then Republican governors refused to accept federal dollars to fix the Medicaid/ACA gap. Republicans definitely gave us a Supreme Court that has gone against the 70% of us who liked Roe. Biden is the first President who has done some things about climate change. In terms of National security, Trump was the first president to ally himself with Putin. Republican policy on immigration has been a disaster under Republicans: Child separation, kids in cages being molested by their guards, asylum seekers kidnapped by DeSantis, etc.

Seems like every issue "voters care about" is basically Republicans causing problems, and Democrats trying to fix them.

Educating anyone benefits everyone.