I understand your point of view Greger. It was just the 2021 Georgia senate runoffs that 90% of all money raised came from out of state. It’s like I said, Georgia’s two senators don’t belong to Georgian’s, they belong to all those out of state non-Georgians who sent them close to a billion dollars. They don’t represent Georgians, they represent those out of staters.

As for money, if you research it, the party with the most incumbents, the party in power usually ends up with the most money. If the Democrats are the party in power and have the most incumbents, they’ll get the most money and vice versa with Republicans. The exception is wave elections where people are angry at the party in power, that situation, money alone can’t save the party in power. Donors know this, so they’ll donate their billions to the party out of power knowing the party out of power is going to win. Still, most huge donors will donate to both parties, that way regardless of who wins, the winner is going to owe them.

Examples Energy in 2020 63% of their donations went to Trump, 37% to Biden, Wall street, finance 73% to Biden, 27% to trump, Lawyers and Lobbyists, 91% to Biden, 9% to Trump. You can see the sector totals here.


It's high past time that we start electing Americans to congress and the presidency who put America first instead of their political party. For way too long we have been electing Republicans and Democrats who happen to be Americans instead of Americans who happen to be Republicans and Democrats.